yes let's play some games - however, I only play games that either I create or which people that I know personally have created a game and in which - when played all the participants playing the game have a chance to actually earn real money -
currently - the game I am playing which will earn the most money for both myself and you is this one:
the next most important game that I play was created by my friend's wife and her business partner from Australia:
here is a little video where we were celebrating the first birthday of this little business that they created:
and then there are a number of related to or similar other games that you or anyone you know can play as well:
but the really fun part of these games is that you or an organization or a cause such as the welfare of cats or dogs or the eradication of breast cancer or even your family members can benefit from your winning at any one of these games especially the first one - since when you win with that project you win really big - starting at hundreds of thousands of dollars and going to perhaps millions of dollars all with the sale of one item -
so I invite you and anyone that you know to either go for playing any one of these games by yourself or ---- if you would like - partner up with any of your friends from anywhere in the world and enjoy the company of your friends while you play the games -
Walter :-)

11-22-2011EABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRT by Walter Paul Bebirian
Wow! What cool games! If only i could win!!