I think and think and think and think and I enjoy this so very much that I never have to stop - in fact I think that thinking is the most exciting activity of human life!!! considering it is does happen to be what is unique about human being that set us apart from all other living beings - I mean think about it - thinking - can give you the ultimate pleasure feelings towards just about any activity that you are partaking in and then it can heal any wounds or hurt that you are suffering - it can give you ideas to improve and embellish just about any situation that you are in and most of all - in our society at least - it can most definitely direct you towards ways of making money - a very exciting and pleasurable concept for so many individuals - so go for it - think your way towards whatever life you desire and enjoy it during every step along your journey - for that thinking is your great power over everything else in the world and over your own destiny - think again and you are in heaven now my friend - just think - you don't have to ever die to get there -
think -

11-29-2008BABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVW by Walter Paul Bebirian
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