Well it certainly looks from the absence of any posts on this blog in what seems quite a while that there have been no random thoughts in my mind but the truth is quite the contrary which means that I have either not been interested in writing them down because they have been so captivating or that there have been so many of them that I have not had the time or the focus to even begin to think about which ones to actually write down here - I will say this though - that the truth of the matter lies somewhere in between both answers - and that is all that I can say as I poke my head out for a breather right now - and I dare say - if this is the case with me - then something similar may also have been true going on with Van Gogh in his letters where we are privileged only to gain access to mere glimpses of what the man was thinking as opposed to a complete dialog of internal muses thoughts - intentions - doubts - feeling and so much more that goes into any human life:
Van Gogh Letters

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