when I first was made aware of the Imagekind System back on 2006 ----this type of site what it was going to evolve into - was just a dream in my mind - I had no idea if anyone else was imagining such a site that provided not only the prints but the framing choices as well - and so when I saw this I was in the process of uploading lots of images to Cafe Press - but when I saw the Imagekind site in December of 2006 I dropped everything over there (I had already uploaded some 600 or so images there already on the 80 products for each that they had) and decided that I would focus for the rest of my life if possible on creating and uploading new images to my Imagekind Galleries - this has offered me an opportunity that I had only dreamt about earlier - you see when I was 8 years old (some 55 years ago) and just starting out taking photographs and drawing - I never imagined that anyone else in the world would ever see any of my work besides my own family members - then when as a commercial photographer and first published in Vogue Magazine with some of the advertisements I was doing for clients I was overwhelmed with joy but knew that there was much more growing that I wanted to do from that point as well - now with over 7.3 million image views of the work in my galleries I see just how much more work there is to get even a small fraction of the rest of the world to see even some of my work and I see - lot's of fun and interesting work ahead of me both to create as well as to work on in the marketing end of this whole process -

1-14-2013A by Walter Paul Bebirian
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