my idea of going local or more appropriately direct - one on one is by giving as many of the more that 20 million people living in New York City and the more than 47 million people visiting the City every year one of my business cards directing them to my online galleries which I call The Bebirian Art Collection and encouraging them to view my over 165,000 images in the Imagekind System as well as the art of the other over 55,000 artists right from their own computers - a convenience that no other gallery or museum can possibly offer - Many times I have this discussion with people right on Fifth Avenue when they are freezing or very hot from the weather depending on what time of year I am meeting them there and I point out to them that to view all of this art in their home or office they can actually save time and money - by not having to travel to a museum or gallery from their country - state or city - pay for a hotel and get distracted by all of the other things that are here in New York like the Nike Store or the A&F store - sure - these are the places that most people go to when they are in the city and in most cases their time spent in the museum may amount to an hour or so of looking at art and a little more time standing on a line to get into the dining areas - It does seem to make so much more sense to view all of the art that they could ever hope or want to enjoy right in their own computers in the Imagekind Site!!!!

ALICE PIRES 2-B by Walter Paul Bebirian
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