Saturday, March 30, 2013

What I am exposed to~

A long time ago - when I was very young I was exposed to music - first classical - playing the violin and in various school and local orchestras and then rock and roll playing in different venues such as dances and concerts in different churches - at the World's Fair (that luckily was in my neighborhood in Queens, NY) and wherever else we could find (as a band) for people to listen to us and I played folk music in different cafes in my neighborhood as well - But later on I was exposed to art in the museums and galleries and so now I create art and place it on the Internet for people to see from all over the world and I have also been exposed to the concept of investing in stocks and how that works so I am doing that as well - now I am thinking - what might I be introduced to in the future that I might enjoy and begin to start doing as well? ………………………………………. 1-24-2013E by Walter Paul Bebirian
1-24-2013E by Walter Paul Bebirian

Friday, March 29, 2013


The idea behind someone being in your target market or not seems fine from one perspective, but do you remember the Beatles, and if you do - do you remember when was the first time that you heard their music? I do - back in the 60's and I believe that the first time I heard some of their songs I did not like them - not that much, but then sooner or later they turned up on the Ed Sullivan show, and hearing them with thousands of screaming girls in the background changed my listening capacity for what they were playing, and then they came to Forest Hills for their first live concert in the U.S. where they were flown in by helicopter, and my Friend bought a whole row of seats 6 rows away from them and gave me my ticket free! I went of course and will never forget the deafening screams, the pink hair rollers the girls were throwing down with their phone numbers and love letters stuck in them and then there was the girl who was sitting next to me, who when the Beatles got on stage and the crowd jumped up with unbounded energy and I stood up with all of the others around me, all of us standing on the chairs, this girl, this complete stranger threw her arms around me, I was thirteen at the time and too embarrassed to remember anything else, but from that time on at least I was intent on learning what those words and music were saying to the people there and around the world and how I could tap into the "electric juice" as I thought of it, that electrified my entire world eventually, because I saw that even my father, who at one time did not like that Beatle Music stuff, eventually when it was toned down for his ears as able to listen to it in a jazzed up way and maybe some of it in it's original raw state as well. So in reality, nobody in the beginning is part of anyone's "market" until and unless they are exposed to whatever it is that is being presented and persistently enough, along with enough energy enthusiasm and pier reinforcement so that they soon become willing at least to listen to what is happening with the girl next door! And then the music become part of them!!! This if course is my opinion, but even one of the Rockefeller's has a quote right their in Rockefeller Center about persistence being the most important key to success - so I certainly hope eventually that you become one of my fans: ……………………………… 7-14-2011BABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVW by Walter Paul Bebirian
7-14-2011BABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVW by Walter Paul Bebirian

Warm Milk

I just remembered that long ago when I was having a great deal of trouble sleeping that a friend told me to heat up some milk so it was just under hot - to the point of warm and sip it before I tried to go to sleep - I remember how this little trick worked wonders and gave me the best night's sleep that I had had in a very long time - I certainly hope that if there are any people who are in need of such a remedy out there that they get to see this little post or that some of their friends get to read it and share it with them - nothing that I have tried has ever worked as well - 12-27-2012AB by Walter Paul Bebirian
12-27-2012AB by Walter Paul Bebirian

A Different Idea of Going Local!!!!

my idea of going local or more appropriately direct - one on one is by giving as many of the more that 20 million people living in New York City and the more than 47 million people visiting the City every year one of my business cards directing them to my online galleries which I call The Bebirian Art Collection and encouraging them to view my over 165,000 images in the Imagekind System as well as the art of the other over 55,000 artists right from their own computers - a convenience that no other gallery or museum can possibly offer - Many times I have this discussion with people right on Fifth Avenue when they are freezing or very hot from the weather depending on what time of year I am meeting them there and I point out to them that to view all of this art in their home or office they can actually save time and money - by not having to travel to a museum or gallery from their country - state or city - pay for a hotel and get distracted by all of the other things that are here in New York like the Nike Store or the A&F store - sure - these are the places that most people go to when they are in the city and in most cases their time spent in the museum may amount to an hour or so of looking at art and a little more time standing on a line to get into the dining areas - It does seem to make so much more sense to view all of the art that they could ever hope or want to enjoy right in their own computers in the Imagekind Site!!!! ……………………………………………… ALICE PIRES 2-B by Walter Paul Bebirian
ALICE PIRES 2-B by Walter Paul Bebirian

Everything has been happening in Stages!

when I first was made aware of the Imagekind System back on 2006 ----this type of site what it was going to evolve into - was just a dream in my mind - I had no idea if anyone else was imagining such a site that provided not only the prints but the framing choices as well - and so when I saw this I was in the process of uploading lots of images to Cafe Press - but when I saw the Imagekind site in December of 2006 I dropped everything over there (I had already uploaded some 600 or so images there already on the 80 products for each that they had) and decided that I would focus for the rest of my life if possible on creating and uploading new images to my Imagekind Galleries - this has offered me an opportunity that I had only dreamt about earlier - you see when I was 8 years old (some 55 years ago) and just starting out taking photographs and drawing - I never imagined that anyone else in the world would ever see any of my work besides my own family members - then when as a commercial photographer and first published in Vogue Magazine with some of the advertisements I was doing for clients I was overwhelmed with joy but knew that there was much more growing that I wanted to do from that point as well - now with over 7.3 million image views of the work in my galleries I see just how much more work there is to get even a small fraction of the rest of the world to see even some of my work and I see - lot's of fun and interesting work ahead of me both to create as well as to work on in the marketing end of this whole process - ………………………………………………………….. 1-14-2013A by Walter Paul Bebirian
1-14-2013A by Walter Paul Bebirian

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easy - the Essence of Artistically Accomplishing Anything!!!!

easy is the best way to accomplish creating any art - if you are familiar with and skilled enough with your tools and craft so well enough that you are at ease with what you are doing then you are able to create art - great art and not something that looks like you had to try hard to accomplish it - this applies to just about anything in life and once a person knows how to accomplish it in one field it is possible to translate this feeling knowledge to just about anything that you are working on in whatever field it is in - ……………………………………………………………………………………. 1-20-2012DABCDEFGHIJKLMN by Walter Paul Bebirian
1-20-2012DABCDEFGHIJKLMN by Walter Paul Bebirian

Saturday, March 23, 2013

An insider look at a conversation with an opponent!

After being criticized for pasting on an art Marketing network on Facebook I wrote to the moderator to express my thoughts on her remarks about my posts - here is the conversation so far: Conversation started Friday 10:04pm Walter Paul Bebirian Dear Mari-Lyn I do not understand - I believe it is stated that your art marketing group is for sharing ideas and resources and yet when I do that - in my own unique way or course - you ask me to stop doing that - if life is better off at the beach (which I wholeheartedly agree with) why are we all staying here staring at screens and not getting to the point so that we can have time to get back to the beach - Please be kind enough to explain all of this to me - because for some reason or other what I have posted has gone against what you think I should have been posting - do you know that I have a special marketing program that I call my "Doubling Project" that I work on every single day wherever I am and I work on creating images from 3AM till I am totally exhausted at night - and the "Doubling Project" is carried on mainly from 11:30AM till around 2:30PM - I only know how to create my images - do my photography assignments and continue to grow in marketing myself - Walter 10:26pm Mari-Lyn Harris Hey Walter, you are right to share, however sharing an affiliate link every other day is not helpful. It just clutters the board and the artists do not appreciate it. It's just like other artists who will post their art work on a continual basis..sharing your work once in a while is ok, the group itself is to share tips, marketing ideas etc. If you were to share why you like ____ then it may be more helpful. Artists will then maybe respond and you can answer their questions. Today 7:49am Walter Paul Bebirian the why I was sharing was inside the what I was sharing - questions about why as opposed to criticism might have well drawn out the information that might very well bring out the answers people might be interested in - for example this last post that I made gives you a story that explains in detail my thinking over a 37 year period of how I arrived and continue on with my "Doubling Project": granted it is in the Sokule system utilizing what is called a SokWall - but that is because I am no utilizing this tool to disseminate information about myself to other places and so the information is in that format already for me to share - and so that is an additional bit of information that I am sharing with you and the group - Also posting this type of tool to my Facebook fan page: brings in an interesting result as well - for example - posts showing images on the page usually fain around somewhere between 90 and 150 people seeing that specific post while the posts of the Sokwall automatically from the main Sokule site brings in an average of about 700 people seeing what has been posted - as significantly better result - while a post of one of my Kulebuzz pages bring in a significantly higher number of viewers - somewhere around 850 - that means that without paying to promote a post on Facebook I can reach more people by altering the type of post and how it appears on my Facebook fan page I can change the results as well as reducing the cost of creating a greater result down to absolute zero - so far I have gotten the most views on a single post by paying $300.00 for it: but now that I have begun to utilize the Sokwall technology I expect to improve my results and look to spend a great deal less for that improved result - If you are not interested in this type of information then I suggest that you are not seriously interested in marketing -since this is they type of information that marketing is all about day in and day out experimenting - measuring comparing and creatively looking for ways to increase the reach of whatever information (in the case of artists) that a person or company wants to spread and infiltrate people's minds with - granted the Sokule system makes its presence very well known on the posts that I make with its tools but that is to the advantage of the person who has become a part of the system and that is because it is one of the only places that I have found where an individual can begin a decent solid business without any costs whatsoever - a person can sign up there for free and introduce t to a business in his or her neighborhood and when that person or business upgrades the person introducing it will receive 20& of the fees that are paid - such an opportunity is beyond imagination before this point in time - as far as I can see - giving an artist a way of earning money in a clear and simple manner while removing the pressure to spend any money is a pure blessing and allows the artist to focus then - at least during some of their day to creating more work - or if a person is at a job this tool can help the artist or any person to begin to see a way of removing themselves from this position or even if they are happy at such a position it can help right from the start to earn some supplemental income - The most important point - which seems to annoy you as well as many artists and people in general in different fields of endeavor is that advertising and marketing is all about repetition - the same message over and over and over again and then in different manners in different venues and then over and over and over again until the person makes the purchase and then more repetition to get them to purchase even more - this is the fact of life that is most misunderstood - it must be repeated thousand and thousands of times for things to sink in - here is a fellow that is one of the top 100 twitter marketers in the world who is currently posting to his over 385,000 twitter followers about my Collection of art and my Facebook Fan Page for my art 5 times per day:!!!!!!.html he does what seems like a very boring and repetitive task that might drive an artist nuts but his rewards are what excite him and that is why he is excellent at what he does - now in the case of the artists - unless they are willing to do some of this boring and repetitive work for themselves they will have to come up with the money to pay to have someone else do it for them - that is just reality and well then we are back to earning money before being able to market their art work - Walter ……………………………………………………………… 10-16-2012F by Walter Paul Bebirian
10-16-2012F by Walter Paul Bebirian

Thursday, March 21, 2013

1957 from then till now!

Jack - there is a great deal to think about in your response to my comment on this thread - Be Careful Who You Feed I remember back in 1973 when I had just recently left working for ABC Pictures (worldwide sales and distribution division - part of the American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. later Capital Cities and now part of Disney) - there was a very very small company formed by a few of the former ABC executives called LIN Broadcasting which was not only in a few of the television markets throughout the country but which began purchasing the cellular rights in a few of the different markets in the US and which was later sold to AT&T - when the LIN Broadcasting Company was started and during the struggling years of obtaining the cellular licenses there was little knowledge by the general public of this force that was growing and preparing the country and then the world for the cell phone and now smart phone infusion into most everyone's life of this technology - and at the same time the big three networks in the television world were thriving - since that time many things have evolved and changed and morphed into things that are now unrecognizable from where they were at that time - which seems like just a few short years ago - but the world has nevertheless changed in many big and better and not so better ways for different people in different industries depending on from which perspective and corner of the world you have come from - and what I am saying is that things are still changing and will continue to change in many big - grand and for some people - extremely unbelievable ways - the forces creating these changes and which will continue changing in the future have already begun and to show the light of the day and are making the entire industry of art selling transform as well as the selling of just about any product whatever it is - and I can foresee these changes greatly changing the brick and mortar galleries to either fold or totally reinvent their function in how they operate and what they show their clients in the way of art and art presentations - if this is not obvious to you and others at this point in time - let's check with each other in 5 - 10 - 20 or so years - and take a look back from there to things at this point in time - and see just how much will have changed - I remember when I started with my very first Brownie back in 1957 - and now so much of everything is digital? My very first photograph: 2-1-2010B by Walter Paul Bebirian
2-1-2010B by Walter Paul Bebirian
a recently revived image from a few years ago: 12-23-2011PABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUV by Walter Paul Bebirian
12-23-2011PABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUV by Walter Paul Bebirian
exciting recent work: 3-3-2013HABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVW by Walter Paul Bebirian
3-3-2013HABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVW by Walter Paul Bebirian

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Let Me Show You What You Will Have Available To You Inside Sokule!

In the past that I made yesterday I gave you a quote from Steve Jobs - about the fact that none can really know what they want until or unless they have seen something! With that thinking in mind I would like to show you the panel inside the Sokule System indicating the tools that you will have available to you once you sign up for free! The free level of membership will allow you to utilize Sokule's ability to post to Facebook and twitter and when you or any of the people that you sign up for this system upgrade to a higher level you and they will be able to utilize the greater number of tools that are part of the Sokule System to Advertise to people from all over the world - whatever your business happens to be! Sign up for Sokule here The Sokule Control Panel: Sign up for Sokule here

Monday, March 18, 2013

Permission to Create Anything!!!!

"How does anyone know what they want if they have never even seen it?" ………………………………… 8-25-2011DABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVW by Walter Paul Bebirian
8-25-2011DABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVW by Walter Paul Bebirian

Different Levels of Understanding

While a person may be presenting some valuable information to me - and it may be on a particular subject that I am either interested in or need to know about - that does not automatically mean that my level of understanding and their level of presentation are on the same exact level - Too often, the levels that people are communicating on are out of line or out of sync and not relevant to each other's perceptions at a particular point in time Only after intimately getting to know and understand what a specific individual needs and it capable of understanding at a particular moment in time does it make sense to present them with the then acknowledged appropriate material - 6-19-2010ABCDEFGHIJK by Walter Paul Bebirian
6-19-2010ABCDEFGHIJK by Walter Paul Bebirian

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I don't believe that money is the root of all evil - no way - in fact money is not the root of anything - I believe instead that money is the fruit of one's labor - whatever work or efforts that a person chooses to become skilled at and do to earn money he or she receives the money that they do as a reward for or as the fruit of the labor that they perform 2-21-2012OABCDEFGHIJK by Walter Paul Bebirian
2-21-2012OABCDEFGHIJK by Walter Paul Bebirian

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Today I was thinking about my friend Dave Barber

Today, at some point while I was out shopping for groceries, two friends of mine, Joyce and Dave Barber, came to mind and I suddenly realized just how influential Dave and what he had done when I met him has been to some of my work - that I have created over the years since I met him - It was during the summer, I believe in 2006 when my wife and I were traveling upstate in an area called Stamford in New York when we discovered that we had gone quite a distance from home and that it might be a better idea to stay in the area where we had gone to rather than travel all the way back home the same day - and so we took the recommendation of the person who had created the website that was showing the real estate properties that we had looked at and gave a call to Joyce and Dave Barber to see if they had room at their bed and breakfast in that area - called Breezy Acres Bed and Breakfast - Thankfully they did have room and we stayed there - more than once and when we did stay Dave was kind enough to drive me through the woods which were on his property - some of the images that I photographed and also some of the mutations of the photographs can be seen here: Breezy Acres Bed and Breeakfast in Hobart, New York group of photographs on Imagekind but that is not all - since beginning to work on those mutations back then - I have continued on and till this day am still working on different variations and many many abstracts originally begun back from working with the images that I took on Dave's property - So I would like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to Dave and Joyce and especially thank Dave for taking me through his property on such a special tour - I see that they have done some work on their website since I was first there so if anyone want to find out about them here is a link to their website: Breezy Acres Official Website …………………………………………………………………… This is one of the original photographs that I began with to create my mutations from 1-16-2009B by Walter Paul Bebirian
1-16-2009B by Walter Paul Bebirian

The Aim of Life!!!

What could the aim of life be? To be beautiful - To be Loved To have Everything that anyone could possibly dream of - To be Happy - or simply just to be - …………………………………………………. 3-10-2010EABCDEFGH by Walter Paul Bebirian
3-10-2010EABCDEFGH by Walter Paul Bebirian
……………………………………………………………………….. it is - like the flower - with the ability to just be - that gives a person the ability to be everything and more -

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Main Philosophy

My Main Philosophy was - is and will be still: The slower you go - the faster you get to where you want to be - because if you are enjoying where you are - you don't have to go anywhere! Well I mentioned this to two gentlemen who passed me the other day without taking my business card at Fifth Avenue and 53rd Street and one of the fellows gave a deep thought about what I had just told him and realized that it was absolutely and positively true - will you do the same? …………………………………………………………………………… 12-1-2012BABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRT by Walter Paul Bebirian
12-1-2012BABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRT by Walter Paul Bebirian

Sunday, March 3, 2013

What would happen if so many people would stop being afraid ?

Mnay people seem to be afraid - afraid to change the channel on the TV - because they might not get back to their favorite channel- afraid to do things on their computers because they might make a misstate or even break the computer - afraid to say the wrong thing because someone might then find out that they do not know the answers that are correct or that they misunderstand things that others thought that they knew - How mich more fun would life be if so many people were not afraid for any of these or other reasons and they just went ahead and experimented until the learned what it is that they are afraid and then discovered even more new and wonderful things to experiment with - ……………………………………………………. 7-28-2012A by Walter Paul Bebirian
7-28-2012A by Walter Paul Bebirian