well - for me at least - life is a continual learning process - and learning about and connecting with new people is always always always part of that learning process - as a face to face networking process my "Doubling Project" far surpasses any other face to face forum (especially when it comes to fitting things into my own rigorous time schedule) while the tools that are available on Facebook Fan Pages as well as the LinkedIn System are continually improving - and it has been quite obvious to me during most of my life how different tools become alive and work differently for each individual using them - so if you are having success with the tools here on LinkedIn - I would say - great - but don't stop learning and of course experimenting - and if they are not working take some time and - learn how to let the tools do the work -what some of us - including myself - may want to do is to create or invent some even more powerful tools that will suit our different situations even more so than what already exists - but that of course demands a great deal of time and thought -

2-14-2013ABC by Walter Paul Bebirian
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