3-14-2010DABCDEFGHI by Walter Paul Bebirian …………………… and then comes my response: thank you Krista - this is a post I made just yesterday in reference to an article which gave me a good insight into my own thinking - (although I have forgotten most of the points) there is a tendency for me to forget most thinking that I have along the way in creating and even in clients as well - a lady came to me yesterday (who claims that I did work for her some 15 years ago) who I do not remember but only vaguely -- but as I began working together with her - the occurrence of her being at my studio came back only so slightly : http://waltersrandomthoughts.blogspot.com/2013/05/my-thoughts-on-art-of-hunt.html I am afraid that if I do any sort of reading as you suggest that I will most probably forget since the books that I have read just yesterday or a week before are pretty much wiped away now as well - Walter ………………………………
3-1-2013FABCDE by Walter Paul Bebirian …………………………………….. and although I understand the great value of what Krista is saying to me and how it might just help from a certain perspective if I would just answer the questions that she asks and do as she has suggested - I am also reminded of the unprecedented events taking place in the art markets every single day and the need to keep a forward looking view point towards an ever changing future that allows me or aids me or even forces me to forget that which has happened in the past - just as occurs in our stock market moves every single day - there is always a bigger wave and a stronger undertow afoot - : http://news.yahoo.com/richter-painting-breaks-record-living-artist-n-y-035208194.html …………………………………
7-19-2012BABCD by Walter Paul Bebirian
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