Sunday, January 26, 2014

on learning social media

well what ever happened to delegation?
why is everything that is written -written in a way that implies that an individual needs to learn everything when it is quite obvious that the business world in general is not doing very well – and perhaps for the exact reason that people are trying to do much - much much more than their area of competency will allow them to do well at –
has everyone forgotten that there was no social media before the Internet and computers – and now there is so much waste of time money and thought power – take for example the continuous amount of viruses – on computers – e-mails – the necessity for reseting passwords and the major hacking of credit card data – identity theft and whatever other type of fraud that continues to distract individuals from focusing on working –
perhaps this is the way that many people like to live – with excitement and drama and all the rest of the dare I say malarky that we are living with in the name of progress?
and who exactly is benefitting from this progress – I do not see that either the client or the business benefits from all of the extra learning and comparing and whatever - to – either save a few pennies here or thereby price shopping for many things that don’t lend themselves to getting a better results by the price shopping or by distracting every person on the planet from simply working and doing their jobs instead of all of a sudden needing to write blogs – work on a website – make comments about everything supposedly pertinent to their field in discussions with a lot of people who are so opinionated that the discussion so many times eventually turns into battles of the egos and all for what – to proclaim that one person or the other is an expert and now each one has to prove that that is what they are when they actually are probably not that –
even the comments above show a questioning of this expert over that expert and then you are talking about the right social media certificate – over another one –
and where in the world does this concept of negatively impacting a client come from – if a person comes to me for what I can do and what they need – there you have a good business fit –
but if I can’t write blogs and post on this or that social media site and keep up with someone else – well then they should go to someone who can make themselves more attractive? more knowledgeable or more capable – even though they may not be ? how superficial this is all becoming – and then who knows how all of this knowledge that one is spending time learning is going to be altered in a few weeks or months or whatever not because the social media sites have changed their rules or need to earn money now that they have become publicly traded companies and have to show an income to the shareholders in order not to lose them or fall behind in their duty to grow shareholder value but because some new kid on the block has come up with a totally new tool that now he or she is claiming does what others have been doing even better that how they were doing it before – whether this is true or not is irrelevant and unless you spend your money working with this or that tool and then maybe perhaps find out if this new tool in fact does do better – well watch your back because sure enough the next new tool is coming soon or is already here –
and lets not forget that this article in this blog is endorsing – touting – encouraging education and well there is always the fact that no knowledge whatsoever supersedes or replaces or does anything for anyone more than experience – and failing – learning from those failings and then making your new found knowledge work for you – unless of course a person wishes to be a life time or life long or professional student -

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

arbitrary rules that others try to place on you for no real reason whatsoever -

since each and every person is different and each person can create their own art and is free to do just that -and to create their own world -to create their own business with art or with anything else that they wish to do business with - there is enough room for each and every mix of whatever each and every person wants to do -

I remember reading how Henry Clay Frick who was in the coal business and supplied coal to the steel mills of Andrew Carnegie was criticized by a banker who came to his establishment to evaluate his business for a loan or some such thing and criticized him because he spent too much time drawing - mmmm:

this is what Frick left behind for society to enjoy and learn from - I wonder what that banker left behind if anything at all -

arbitrary rules - which some people may pose on themselves are not necessary to impose on others - nor should they be -

Saturday, January 11, 2014

If you are thirsty and have a glass of water sitting right next to you - you still have to be aware of the glass of water and drink what is in it in order to quench your thirst - 

trying too hard to sell art -

I think that perhaps people may have difficulty both creating and selling art because they want to - too much or they try too hard rather than relaxing into either one of both of these two processes - there envoking the law of paradoxical intention - which means when you want something to happen too much and are working too hard at making something happen you instead push what it is that you want to happen or to have away - this is all part of the logo therapy written about by Viktor Frankel -

it would seem - from a certain perspective - that this phenomenon is actually occurring in the (or with the) efforts of artists in all levels and types of work - and as soon as a person relaxes into the aura or ambiance of what they are doing and allows things to flow both with creating their works as well as with their sales - marketing and every other business type of effort then they will have phenomenal success throughout -

imagine yourself trying with great effort to add a column of numbers in order to make sure you get it exactly right - with no errors - well this is pretty much how someone starting out adding numbers for the very first time at a job as a bookkeeper or accountant might put in the effort when they first start out at their job - but given a few days and the acceptance and becoming more comfortable with their environment - suddenly at one mysterious point along the way the accountant/bookeeper will find him or herself become relaxed into the process of what they are doing because they have become confident that they know what they are doing and thus no or at least less mistakes will be made from this point on - there is no reason for stress or effort to be put into their adding of these numbers that are constantly coming in front of them - in fact it becomes somewhat of a joy to add up the numbers and to see the numbers come out right when they do a check so that they are actually getting pleasure out of the results and the process and are doing their work as an art form - the same goes for a painter or a dancer - a musician or anyone conducting business - always in the beginning (unless somehow a person feels as comfortable in the beginning of a task as they might be once they are conducting that task for many years - (perhaps how a prodigy acts)) they put great effort into whatever it is that is the task at hand - and then eventually they become more confident or for some reason they drop all of the effort and let the work that they are doing - whatever it is - flow from their being -

I saw this myself when I watched videos of Jackson Pollock create his drip paintings - for there is a flow from his being - where he calls himself nature- that allows him to relax while he is creating his work and so everything is simply flowing - the same goes for Picasso or anyone else who has achieved success in their work -

no struggle necessary whatsoever and all will simply fall into place -